Software Change Request Process
Authorized Submitters submit Change Request to NFC.GESDRequest@USDA.GOV for processing.
An AD-3003 Software Change Request (SCR) Form is required for external customer-specific
application change requests.
Some changes do not require an AD-3003, Software Change Request (SCR) form. Some
reasons include internal requests, annual/recurring projects, mandated - community-wide
projects, regulatory changes, fixes for problems identified by audits, vulnerability scans,
penetration tests, etc., and when an IR is converted to a project.
The Project Control Office (PCO) logs request into the tracking system and establishes a
project folder. The tracking system automatically generates an email acknowledging
receipt of the request and provides the requestor/Authorized Submitter the project
The request is assigned to either the Operations Service or Technical Services group for
evaluation. The project will be reviewed to determine if it will be accepted or rejected
by the National Finance Center (NFC). In either case, a system-generated notice will be
issued to the requesting agency.
SRB/WRB review technical requests, assesses overall potential impacts, determines initial
level of effort (LOE), Phase completion option, and assigns estimated Functional
Requirements Document (FRD) Due Date if applicable.
If funding is not required (i.e., Community wide project) project is reviewed and
placed in que for development and implementation
Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) requests are reviewed by SRB/WRB to
determine LOE estimate, and estimated cost is provided to customer
If funding is required, SRB/WRB requests initial IAA and PCO IAA Coordinator
provides initial IAA LOE cost estimate to Financial Management Office (FMO)
Funding request amounts will be based upon the ability of NFC to complete a
designated project phase within the current Fiscal Year. If the project spans
multiple FYs, NFC will create a new funding document for the remaining
Project Phase are: 1. Functional Requirements Documentation, 2.
Development, 3. Quality Assurance Testing, and 4. Customer Acceptance Testing
and Implementation.
FMO issues IAA to customer
Customer returns signed IAA (required prior to any work commencing)
FMO provides charge codes to GESD
Software Change Request Process
SRB/WRB prepares FRD for review and obtains approval from applicable Development areas
when applicable
SRB/WRB provides the approved FRD to Client Management Branch (CMB) for distribution to
the customer
Customer returns signed FRD within 14 days with indication that the agency will/will not
participate in Customer User Acceptance Testing
National Finance Center (NFC) completes level of effort (LOE) estimates for IAA and determines
Phase completion option
PCO sends intermediate/final IAA package to FMO
FMO prepares IAA/IAA Mod and forwards to customer
Customer returns signed IAA within 14 days (required for Development work to commence and
project to be scheduled for implementation)
PCO presents eligible projects to Configuration Control Board (CCB) for scheduling following
receipt of FRD and IAA signed by customer
CCB schedules new projects to determine which release (PP06, PP13, PP19) or pay
period when it will be implemented, and reviews scheduled project status
NFC completes development work (Phase 2), allows two pay periods for Quality
Acceptance Testing (QAT) (Phase 3), and two pay periods for Customer User Acceptance
Testing (CUAT)/Implementation (Phase 4) to validate/implement change
On June 1
all funded projects will be reviewed for Phase completion status in current
Fiscal Year (FY). Those that cannot be fully implemented prior to PP19 or End of Fiscal
Year (EOFY) will have remaining Phases deferred until the following FY. Any remaining
IAA funds are returned to customer for deobligations
Deferred projects will have a new IAA requested once EOFY has passed and new FY
funding is available
Changes that can be implemented prior to EOFY are migrated to production upon approval
Following implementation PCO closes SCR in tracking system two pay periods after
implementation following verification that all tasks are closed
- Note -
PCO Project Review Team reports status issued to customers monthly
Revised September 2024